YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Richard and Judy Interview
what a pile of shit!! i hope to see that skinny michael stipe looking aids victim someday and i will crush his yanky doodle/french skull with my size 9 doc martins and wank on the American flag and all it represents.
did a yank just say "typical British arrogance"? WTF?!?!?
i dont find this insulting at all i find it funny that Grasse is making a twat of himself
Did he just say England destroyed rock&roll? my god, it's England that are the only ones trying to keep it alive.
partridgehead, toughguy. why remove your comment ? put it up if thats wut u really think. If u want to throw stereotypes around go ahead. u working ? u guys sittin in your council estates signin on, wasting your job seekers allowance money on drugs&booze and feeding pets like they FAMILY. Kids becoming parents at 12, peedos molesting kids here&in asia, not taking advantage of education provided in the uk. And your constant moaning.... there are so many negative english stereotypes too
Bit like you being a poltroon and running away when you meet your betters! Now stop poncing off the British state and piss off to somewhere that will mutually masturbate with you!
u never once adressed ne of my earlier points!! I dont want 2 b responsible for yo heart attck. u old&smelly, prob dying, got a bad heart and prob straining to see the writing screen. U prob dont even wash yourself u dirty old peedo. The brain aint ticking like it shud, u a RELIC of the brit past - Not even the recent past. stop stalking me and sending me messages. Its GAY. dont reply 2 comments not directed at u. U might have a stroke or somethin stressin so much over wut i write.
Well far from being of the past, I have a large family of 4 sons and one daughter and all are 100% true Brit and campagning for David! You see our mission is to rid our country of parasites like you! By the way, the word for which your febrile mind searches is paedophile and as you use it often, I would hazard that that in fact is what you are! A ponce and disgrace to your people!
lol lmfao!!!!!
wut is 100% brit ? please define. lol!!
my people ? who might they be ? lol !!!
100% true Brit, mmm surprised you even ask that! And your people?? Does that mean, as I suspect, you have no friends or family? Is that why you are a troll?
again, never answering the question. your lack of intelligence makes me feel sorry for what u may have passed onto your "imaginary kids" in the brain department. again, what is 100% true brit? pray tell me and then stop stalking me.
Ah so I am right in my assessment of you! A pathetic loser who likes to say what he wants then accuses people of stalking when the truth hurts!
answer the question. LOL. Go on please answer. My assessment of u is far closer than yours of mine. U fit a stereotype i have seen in this country to a TEE. Middle class relic, tea sipping, battenberg cake eating. cardigan wearing, God save the queen worshipping, undercover imperialist racist. Too scared 2 xpress his real views in public, u probably go 2 church too. U keep on stalking me and asking me questions. i answer them. answer my ONE question... what is a 100% BRIT ? if u cant, FUCK OFF!
Seems more like you are stalking me. Middle class relic? mmm, you mean the cash generating class that actually work very hard for what they have? Well then yes and filth like you should be thankful that we are 100% true Brit. Racist?? No, not me or my type, but your extremely offensive rhetoric is racist. Your sort are all that is wrong. If you dont like i, you can vote with your feet and bugger off.
Richard is sexy
To be honest, you're just ranting in a completely phillistine and yobbish manner. I dont see much questioning. The ones you do ask carry just about as much intellectual merit as the ones asked at soviet show trials.
Grasse is talking with tongue in cheeck and you guys are falling for it!!! hahahahaahaha! Geez, lighten up people...
The guy who puts up this shit actually admitted it was a joke in a comment on one of these vids, can't remember which one though.
When i watched some of the other videos on the 'Evil Empire' i actually thought they were pretty funny and considered the author may actually be sometihng of an intellectual - obviously the book is a wind up. But afte watching this i realise the guy is a complete moron, i mean what was he talking about Britain causing Vietnam? Sheer lunacy
Ask the scotts and the Irish . I mean they are the ones that know the britts the best because of their close proximity.
The scottish are British.
wrong, i am defending myself in the warranted way. Still waiting for the answer to,
What is "100% british"?
perhaps u may enlighten me Hamdaman101.
U most likely wont tho, without u being made to look stupid
To me, 100% percent British would be an upstanding, free thinking person with a sense of duty and morality. You being an American I might ask you the same question.
well.... finally.... (clap clap clap) an answer. A good one too. If that is your definition then so be it. The other guys are scared to write what they REALLY think british is for obvious reasons, centred around race.
U assume incorrect about my nationality tho. I have no quarrel with any brit except until they blindly boast about their country's '"glorious imperialistic past", without recognising the trouble Britain's gain, has had to the countries they once invaded.
hey cock smoker, are you still afraid to take me on?
DOnt get offended. He is not accusing the British public. But the rulers of Britain
I respect Grasse for taking on 4 Brits in this debate, but his argument is pathetic. Using the fact that "you introduced slavery to us" to validate the fact that it took an extra 30 years after us for them to get rid of slaver is simply poor. Also, we dont 'enjoy a good hanging'. Stereotyping bastard.
C'mon, leave the poor guy alone. The fact was he was talking tongue in cheek the whole time, and you guys actually take all this seriously...LOL!!
I have to say this is the only Richard and Judy show I have enjoyed seeing giving some flak back to that American Twat who thinks we caused everything bad, he'll find any tiny excuse to blame something on us, pathetic man.